How to enlarge the penis quickly: how to enlarge the penis at home

In the modern world, penis enlargement is a fact, not a myth. You can quickly enlarge the penis with the help of surgical intervention.

However, this option is not always appropriate because it has many complications and the results of surgery do not always live up to a man's expectations.

How to increase penis at home is worth considering, will help increase a few centimeters in length and thickness effectively and safely.

Jelq with clamp

demonstrate penis enlargement exercises

Those who are just starting out with penis enlargement exercises can do traditional jelqing at home, but for men who have been involved in various penis enlargement methods for a long time, the jelq technique with penile clampsis suitable.

It is worth noting that such exercise can make up to 90% erection, because in such an erect state, the skin of the penis and the spongy body is stretched as much as possible, blood pressure increases, so the penis becomes larger and larger. its increased.

The jelqing technique with clamps includes the following steps:

  • Basic warming of the penis is a must.
  • Apply a thin layer of lubricant or Titan-gel to the genitals.
  • With light massage movements to achieve 90% erection.
  • Clamp the base of the penis with a special clamp.
  • Maintain a comfortable posture - sitting, standing.
  • Lengthen the penis with ring clamps.

It takes about 10 minutes to perform, during this time the penis must be stretched about 50 times. You need to move your hand as quickly as possible so that the blood reaches the tip of the penis at maximum speed.

It is worth noting that the size of the penis begins to change after 10-15 daily home workouts, at least this information is supported by the numerous reviews of men who claim that the penis has become larger. realistic.

If a man feels that he is too aroused, it is necessary to tighten the clamp at the base of the penis a little more, this will delay the onset of 100% erection and increase the blood pressure on the penis. .

In some cases, if performed incorrectly at home, numbness, penile pain, and skin discoloration may occur. Then you need to stop the exercise, remove the clamps and return to the exercise a little later. After completing the exercise, you must:

  1. Massage the penis for 5 minutes to restore blood circulation.
  2. Heating the penis.

Many men cannot stay calm while doing this exercise, leading to ejaculation, so the effect of the exercise is very little.

In other words, this home workout requires strict self-control, to get the right size you need to do it without ejaculating.

There are various reviews on the Internet, based on which we can say that the technique is effective, the penis becomes large and thick, most importantly, do not forget about regular training.

In addition, the morning and evening penis enlargement gel should be used directly on the penis. This tool is aimed at penis enlargement and has the following advantages:

  • An increase in the length and thickness of the penis.
  • Promotes strong erection.
  • Ejaculation control.
  • Intercourse time increased several times.

It is worth noting that the product includes only ingredients of plant origin, does not contain harmful synthetic substances, so there are no contraindications, it can be used by men of all ages.

The gel does not leave stains on clothes, so it can be used not only at home, but also in other places, such as at work. Active man, and penis enlargement cream.

Lengthen the "string" of the penis

lengthen penis to enlarge

For men who want to grow a large penis, rope exercises will be a real panacea. The main thing is to learn how to find a balance between correctly performing the exercise and feeling pain.

It is worth noting that although the exercise is quite dangerous to some extent it can lead to injury, it really helps to enlarge the penis at home.

In addition, many men who practice NAP (Natural Penis Enlargement) claim that this technique helps to cope with such periods when the size of the male organ has stopped changing, i. e. the growth of the penis. it simply slows down.

String exercises: how to do it at home:

  1. After the exercise, you must dry the penis clean.
  2. One hand grasps the penis at the base with the "ring" hilt.
  3. With the other hand placed just below the tip of the penis, use the index and ring fingers to squeeze the base.
  4. With hands, too, it is necessary to turn the penis in a clockwise direction.
  5. It is necessary to twist as much as possible.
  6. Stay in this state for 15 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat, just counter-clockwise.

Total should not be more than 15 minutes at home, should practice 2 sets per day (in the early stages), when achieving certain results can increase the number of exercises to 3-4 times per day.

It is important to pay attention to twist the penis clockwise - 10 times, several times and counterclockwise. One more twist at a time.

If you feel pain, you should listen carefully to yourself, if a man feels that the pain is caused by an unusual load on the penis, you need to endure it.

However, if the pain is caused by improper performance, you should immediately stop the exercise.

Penis lengthening with legs

the structure of the penis and its elongation to increase

In order for the size of the penis to satisfy its owner, there are various exercises that lead to the fact that the penis will become large.

It should be noted immediately that such exercises are not suitable for beginners to perform stretching exercises.

This exercise is intended to stretch the upper ligaments of the male organ, which is a pretty powerful stretch that also involves the feet.

With the help of such an exercise, you can not only increase the size of the penis, but also see that after a month the penis has really grown.

Exercise technique:

  • You must be in a sitting position.
  • Grab the penis with your hand and pull it down, i. e. toward the floor.
  • If the member is taken with the right hand, the left foot must be placed on top of this hand.
  • Due to this position, you can control the string tension.
  • Hold in this position for 1 minute.

You need to repeat the exercise 5-7 times for each leg. The secret of the workout is that the leg muscles are stronger than the arms, so you can feel the power of such a stretch.

Men think that just exercising once a day is enough and after a week the size increases, the penis becomes big and thick.

Summing up, we can say that with effort, you can strengthen the rogue, the main thing is not to forget about the combination of methods and their alternation.

Of no small importance to the growth of the penis is a cream, so the results achieved will be maintained. An interesting video in this article on how penis enlargement can help in choosing a method.