Ligamentectomy - surgical intervention to enlarge the penis, pros and cons

Representatives of the stronger sex are almost always dissatisfied with the size of their men. To increase the length of the penis, they began to use various drugs, ointments and creams. Desperate men undergo penis enlargement surgery - ligament cutting. This procedure allows you to enlarge the penis by a few centimeters.


Ligamentectomy is a surgical procedure to enlarge the penis, characterized by the intersection of the suspensory ligaments. The ligament is located deep in the pelvis and is attached to the bony apparatus, and can also be long enough to cross and enlarge the penis. Dissection of the ligament allows lengthening of the penis with an extender, resulting in an increase in length of up to 5 cm.

Surgery is performed when:

  • Peyronie's disease;
  • penis length less than 12 cm;
  • cavernous fibrosis;
  • hereditary, congenital pathological condition of male dignity;
  • curvature of the penis;
  • reduced levels of sex hormones;
  • Incomplete development and formation of male genital organs due to lack of chorionic gonadotropin;
  • pathologies of male dignity;
  • change in size due to trauma and damage to the penis;
  • hypospadias and epispadias;
  • the changes that manifest in a man's adulthood;
  • prolonged sexual excitement and prolonged pathological erection;
  • decreased self-confidence with insufficient penis size;
  • A man's personal desire to enhance his masculinity.
Men's self-esteem is low due to small penis size


Surgical intervention is not indicated for:

  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of coagulation and viscosity;
  • under 18;
  • manifestations of allergy to anesthetics;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • blood pressure dysfunction;
  • diseases of the penile epithelium;
  • lesions, wounds, ulcers on the surface of the penis;
  • epilepsy;
  • central nervous system disorders;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • penis length over 18 cm;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Autoimmune disorders.
Consult with a plastic surgeon before undergoing ligament surgery


To perform a ligamentectomy, multiple consultations with a surgeon are required. During the visit, the doctor collects the patient's medical history, warns about the risks and effectiveness of the operation, and sends for a diagnosis. You need to go through:

  • Fluorescent;
  • HIV and syphilis testing;
  • blood tests to detect sexually transmitted diseases;
  • examination by a psychiatrist;
  • ECG;
  • Comprehensive analysis of blood and urine biochemistry;
  • blood test for Rh, blood type;
  • diagnose the presence of hepatitis B and C;
  • Bacterial smear from urethral canal;
  • consult an anesthesiologist, as well as see other specialists if necessary.

Surgical manipulation is prescribed in the morning. The evening before surgery you should:

  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • restrict eating and drinking;
  • Eliminate drug use;
  • removes hair in the groin area, genitals and scrotum.

Come to the ligament surgery at the scheduled time with all the necessary paperwork and examination.


The manipulation mechanism is carried out in several stages. Initially, the patient is anesthetized to relieve pain. During the consultation, the type of anesthesia will be discussed.

Surgical intervention is performed in two ways.

Through the pubic bone

Initially, surgeons used this method. This technique is not satisfactory due to leaving many scars, penile trauma and intervention time lasting more than 60 minutes. This type of ligament surgery has more contraindications and negative factors, therefore it is no longer performed.

Through the scrotum

The surgeon will make an incision in the upper part of the scrotum. It dissects the ligaments, which can then separate and lengthen the penis from the tissues. The doctor fixes the penis in a new position. The penis is stretched out of the tunnel space using specialized equipment - an extender. The cavity is filled with autologous fat. Then the seams are applied. Surgical intervention time is from 15 to 30 minutes.

During healing, a scar forms between the pubic area and the penis, making it impossible for the penis to return to its original position.


The operation is not a complicated process, so complications and side effects rarely occur. Infrequent cases may show:

  • suppuration and wound infection;
  • bleeding;
  • lack of results;
  • swelling of the penis;
  • distortion of male dignity;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • hematoma;
  • decreased sensitivity of the penis;
  • Scar formation on the surface of the penis.
Erectile dysfunction in men after penis enlargement surgery

If one of the symptoms appears, you must contact your doctor for assistance and elimination of defects.


After surgery, the patient remains at the medical facility under the supervision of medical staff.

To stop the negative inflammatory and pain processes, patients are prescribed antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. The drug, duration, dosage and method of administration are determined individually by the doctor for each patient.

Sutures are removed 7-8 days after the procedure. After discharge, the doctor determines the home treatment and wound care regimen. Rehabilitation includes:

  1. Use medication regularly as prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Avoid sexual and physical activity for up to three weeks.
  3. Wear specialized underwear that supports the penis in one position.
  4. Clean and treat stitches regularly.
  5. See your doctor.

After surgery, a special stretcher will be inserted, which will hold the penis in one position and prevent it from returning to its original position. It is characterized by a gentler effect and will not press or rub on the scar. Wearing time is determined by the doctor but not less than 21 days.

After three months, an expander is placed into the man's penis. At first, the device is worn for several hours, while the length increases. Daily wearing time is increased to 8 hours a day. The lengthening device must be used daily for at least 4 months. After two months, the results will be noticeable.

Wearing the extender and the duration of its use are determined individually by the treating doctor for each patient, based on the structural features and physiological characteristics of the man.

If all recommendations are followed and specialized devices are worn correctly, the results will be visible within six months. Manhood can increase length up to 5 cm by cutting the ligaments and lengthening the penis.


Modern diagnostics and methods of performing surgery do not cause serious disturbances or pathological changes during the process of performing ligament surgery. This procedure has a minimum of contraindications, but complications may arise due to incorrect work of the specialist:

  • the penis has shrunk or has not changed;
  • manifestation of coarse scarring of epithelial tissue;
  • distortion of male dignity;
  • testicular swelling, testicular prolapse;
  • tissue death;
  • displacement of groin hair onto the penis;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • instability of the penis during sexual intercourse;
  • severe sensitivity of the penis or its absence.
Penis size reduction is one of the complications of surgical intervention

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately contact your doctor to find out the cause and provide qualified assistance.

Before performing surgical intervention, you need to visit several specialists, make a complete diagnosis, learn all the risks and positive aspects and then decide on cosmetic surgery. Supervision of clinics and doctors performing ligament surgery is required.

Penis enlargement surgery costs between 400 and 1, 300 USD. Prices vary depending on medical facility, specialist, anesthesiologist.

Modern technology and techniques are the main advantage in performing the surgery. Manipulation is a new innovative method of penis enlargement, therefore it is performed only by modern, experienced doctors.

Penis enlargement by ligamentectomy allows you to increase the length by a few centimeters for the rest of your life. Masculinity enhancement boosts self-esteem, improves happiness and improves men's sex life.