Effective methods and means for penis enlargement

Woman amazed by the size of a man's cock

Since ancient times, the size and shape of the penis has been a part of a real man's image.

And men are always thinking of uplifting their own dignity, even when nature has not deprived them in this regard.

Fortunately, now there is a wide selection of different methods and special devices for carrying out such thoughts.

We'll let you know what will help with penis enlargement and lengthening, and during reading you will understand which method is best to use for yourself, perhaps. There will be something new to you.

How do the different methods work?

Since science is growing exponentially in our time, there are many means of achieving this. May involve all kinds of genital effects, both direct and indirect. Direct contact includes coins applied directly to the penis (ointments and gels), the use of special mechanical devices, as well as massages that promote health.

Indirect effects include taking a variety of drugs and hormones, general exercise, and some traditional medications.

Attention!Any method of enlargement of the male penis should be handled with a great deal of skepticism, because there is not too much medical research in this area due to the magnitude of this problem on a global scale. demand is low.

Additionally, some funds may be contraindicated for a man due to his medical condition. If you want to enlarge your penis (whether it's length, width, or overall size), you should consult your doctor so that prolonged therapy does not cause complications. In this case, everything worse is that a small penis can threaten you - impotence, various allergies, cracking of tissues and even a rupture of the cartilage.

how to increase the size of the penis

Here is a comprehensive list of all penis enlargement products:

  • Tablets and similar drugs.
  • Sprays, ointments, gels.
  • Special equipment (extender).
  • Exercise, massage, and special masturbation.
  • Folk methods.

So, in order:


Penis enlargement pills have a special formula, depending on the drug:

  1. increased desire;
  2. increased production of male hormones (testosterone);
  3. strengthening the muscles responsible for erection levels;
  4. improves blood circulation;
  5. increase the endurance of the body.

Basically, the effect of the pill is to increase the cavernous volume of the male penis. Medicines are one of the fastest ways to enlarge the penis, but it doesn't work for long.

References!The effects of tablets are difficult to accurately monitor, so their effectiveness is often questioned.


Not everyone knows what it is. Generic drugs are identical pills that contain only one chemical that is 100% similar to that patented by the original developer of the drug. In short, someone who invented a powerful remedy entered the market, but monopoly did not work, because other "chemists" quickly created one. Similar drugs, only from other substances, after receiving a copy of the first drug, with the same effect.

Generic drugs are very good for potency.

Sprays, ointments, gels

These funds, which are applied directly to the penis, can be divided into three groups.

  1. The drug previously had a short-term effect (from half an hour to a few hours), and was applied to the penis just before sexual intercourse. They temporarily increase the size of the penis due to swelling, and also improve erections. It is convenient to use them to ensure the removal of the complexes without seriously affecting your body.
  2. On the contrary, long-term creams and ointments will not give immediate results, as they work more smoothly, but they are effective in the longer term by enlarging the cavernous bodies, improvingBlood circulation in the penis and increases skin elasticity.
  3. There are also creams, gels and ointments for increased potency, not directly related to means of enhancement, but can often be used as an adjuvant.

Special equipment

penis stretchers

Devices to change the size and shape of the penis are called stretchers. These are devices that are permanently attached to the penis to mechanically apply it, resize and adjust shape.

The expander market today is very wide and can offer many of them. There are models that can be worn for several hours a day, which work with the aid of a system of weights.

There are patterns that are only needed during an erection, so it is also possible to correct the shape of the penis. There are even hidden templates that can be used even at work.

Most stretchers are in a stationary state, but some are electrically operated and positively affect the penis.

Penis enlargers will also add a few centimeters in length and width. Among them, the most popular are:

  1. Nozzle.
  2. Water pumps.

Exercises and massage

This is probably the most common way to enlarge the penis due to its free and reasonable use. There are many types of such exercises (such as the Kegel technique), but the most famous is the Arabic special massage, which in the West is called jelqing.

This is a pretty effective massage that has been used for centuries in Arab countries. It is based on the application of microscopic cracks to the tissues of the penis, they rapidly heal and overgrown with new soft tissues. It sounds dangerous enough, but in reality, when following the instructions and safety rules, this is a pretty loyal method.

Folk way

If the methods above cause any anxiety or you don't trust modern conventional medicine, you can try to enlarge your penis using the folk methods, which are so much accumulated throughout the calendarhuman history. Such methods are even more controversial than pills, but some of them are potentially effective.


As mentioned at the beginning of this article, you should consult your doctor before starting penis enlargement therapy, although many men are simply embarrassed to do so.

However, this hesitation can be harmful to your health. If you have any problem with the penis, such as its deformity, some kind of disease or something like that, any method of penis enlargement can be dangerous, becauseas they are all designed for use by healthy people with healthy genitals. Remember that you need to be healthy to successfully stretch the penis.

In conclusion, it must be said that most men who are wondering about penis enlargement underestimate the size of their dignity. Of course, everyone wants to be better, especially in such an intimate sense, but you need to remember that large size is not the main thing. Your stamina, erection and your personal ability to satisfy your partner are also very important indicators.